CVC 300圆瓶贴标机适用于各种尺寸的圆瓶贴标,能精准将自黏标签全绕或半绕贴于圆瓶上。…
The CVC 200 Top Labeler is built to automatically apply pressure sensitive label…
The CVC 220 Top & Bottom Labeler is built to automatically pressure sensitiv…
The CVC 220 Top & Bottom Labeler is built to automatically pressure sensitiv…
CVC 300 圆瓶贴标机适用于各种尺寸的圆瓶贴标,能精准将自黏标签全绕或半绕贴于圆瓶上…
The CVC 302 High Speed Wrap Labeler is built to automatically apply pressure sen…
The CVC 330 Vial & Ampoule Wrap Labeler is built to automatically apply pres…
The CVC 400 Front & Back Labeler is built to automatically apply pressure se…
CVC 430 雙⾯暨滾貼貼標機適⽤於各種尺⼨ 的圓瓶貼標,能精準將⾃黏標籤全繞、半繞或 …
CVC 432 双面暨滚贴贴标机适⽤于各种尺⼨ 的⽅瓶双⾯贴标与圆瓶绕贴标,能精准将⾃ 黏…
CVC L52是智能标签检测剔除系统,搭配CVC 302贴标机整合使用,在贴标前进行自动 标签日…